All posts tagged “Drawing


Unearthing: Dadorchuddio 30.6.–20.7.2024

Artists from Wales and Berlin at Toolbox Finnish-German Art Space Berlin

Opening: 28.6.2024, 7pm

Exhibition 30.6.–20.7.2024


Wales: Marja Bonada, Katie Cyfenw, Penny Hallas

Berlin: Susanne Ring

Opening hours: Wed–Sat 3–7 pm

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Yö Galerie Helsinki

Yö in Berlin 1.-22.6.2024

You are warmly welcome to our opening of Yö in BERLIN on Friday, 31 May 2024, 6–10pm.

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX, Koloniestraße 120,
13359 Berlin-Wedding, U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Yö ry Artists’ Association is an advocacy organization for professional artists from various
fields, primarily operating in Helsinki. YÖ in BERLIN is a group exhibition organized by Yö
ry, featuring works by its member artists. Yö has over 300 member artists and a gallery in
Helsinki on Lönnrotinkatu. The space is free for all exhibiting artists, not just members of the
association. At the core of Yö is its members’ desire to act. Yö ry is not merely an artist-run
gallery but a coalition of proactive and enthusiastic professionals from various fields. Yö is a
movement and community, whose large membership enables even the most ambitious initia-
tives to be realized.

YÖ IN BERLIN is the first exhibition exchange between Yö ry and Galerie Toolbox. The exhi-
bition is curated by Toolbox’s founding members together with Yö ry members Mia Makela
and Henriikka Pöllänen.

Yö’s exhibition at Galerie Toolbox includes video art, visual art, and a portfolio showcase,
where you can browse the works of Yö’s member artists on a screen. The video works and
portfolios were selected through an open call.

All the videos have been produced during 2020´s. The video works have been curated into 3
different screening programs. Remnants of the Wild presents videos exploring our partner-
ships to non-human world from Earth Forces, Mia Makela and Lau Rämö. Tapestry of Time
contains video works unraveling the echoes of past in the present time from Johanna Väisä-
nen, Hanna Råst, Joonas Jokiranta and Airbakers (Toivola & Wager).
Close Encounters presents a collection of videos focused on exploring intimacy through per-
formance art from Juhani Koivumäki, Kainulainen&Latva, Mari Hokkanen, Eoin O`Dowd,
To Kosie, Henttu&Nummi&Kin and Ginko Hsu.

The paintings and sculptures in the exhibition bring forth the diversity of materials. Isabel
Pathirane’s paintings are bound together by the strong use of color and expressiveness. Tuo-
mas Holst blurs the lines between painting and sculpture with works that are made from re-
cycled materials. Krista Blomqvist’s series “Creatures of the Night” consists of paintings on
copper, which evolve over time as the copper itself changes. The glass sculptures of Henriik-
ka Pöllänen and Kimmo Reinikka bring out different dimensions of glass as material.

Curatorial team consisted of Toolbox founding members Maija Helasvuo and Niina Räty in
collaboration with Yö Association board members Mia Mäkelä and Henriikka Pöllänen.

Opening program includes a performance from Tapani Pirog and an opening talk by Yö cura-
torial team. Some of the artists will be present. Artist meetings on Saturday 1. 6 from 16 until
20 at the gallery.

Tapani Pirog is a Helsinki-based ultramodernist and post-expressionist.

More information on the schedule will be available later on Yö’s and Toolbox’s websites.

Artwork: Johanna Väisänen

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Joakim Sederholm 30.3.–20.4.2024

Joachim Sederholm

We cordially invite you to the opening
 with works by Joakim Sederholm and Anton Laiko on Friday, 29 March 2024 from 7 pm.

I have always tried to express humanity with my work. I have expressed what it meens to be a fragile human being. I hope my art would increase tolerance and understanding between people. Often my work take the shape of a man or woman and sometimes a dog.
I mostly use wood as material.

Joakim Sederholm

Artwork. Sorrow, 2023, 21 x 21 x 83 cm, painted wood

Toolbox Kabinett: Anton Laiko

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Exhibition Iran

Wounds – Drawings by eight
contemporary artists from Iran | 1.–21.09.2023

Wounds | Wunden
Drawings by eight contemporary artists from Iran
Zeichnungen von acht zeitgenössischen Künstler:innen aus dem Iran

Opening | Eröffnung Fri, 29 Sep 2023, 7pm
Runtime | Laufzeit 1–21 Oct 20

Artists | Künstler:innen
Sahar Nahavandi Nejad, Atefeh Mehrvarz, Minoo Kiani,
Azin Rostami, Raheleh Ghavipanjeh, Behnam Bakhshizadeh,
Farhad Gavzan, Hossein Ghafouri

The exhibition is complemented by smaller works on the same topic by Toolbox members Maija Helasvuo, Sampsa Indrén, Mika Karhu, Niina Räty, Juha Sääski and Ilkka Sariola.

Ergänzt wir die Ausstellung durch kleinere Werke zum gleichen Thema von den Toolbox-Mitgliedern Maija Helasvuo, Sampsa Indrén,
Mika Karhu, Niina Räty, Juha Sääski und Ilkka Sariola.

Curated by | kuratiert von Farhad Gavzan and Ilkka Sariola

The exhibition “Wounds” is very special. Toolbox is honoured to present Iranian art, in particular drawings by eight contemporary Iranian artists: Sahar Nahvandi Nejad, Atefeh Mehrvarz, Minoo Kiani, Azin Rostami, Rheleh Ghavipanjeh, Farhad Gavzan, Behnam Bakhshi and Behnam Bakhshizadeh. In addition to Iranian art, some of our TOOLBOX members, Maija Helasvuo, Mika Karhu, Juha Sääski, Sampsa Indren and Ilkka Sariola, will also be presenting some smaller works.

The theme of the exhibition, wound, is ambiguous; everyone has their own invisible wounds, the wounds of violence may appear as scars and the traces of war as open bleeding wounds. We live in critical times and societies are threatened by the Corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In fact, the pandemic and the ‘quarantine galleries’ on Instagram, which took place in the year 2020, were the starting point for this exhibition. In the difficult early stages of the pandemic, Iran ended up in a complete lockdown and quarantine. The artist Mr Farhad Gavzan was interested in my artworks on Instagram and he presented some of my artworks in the “Quarantine Gallery” he founded. This gave me the idea to create a cultural exchange project “Quarantine gallery, drawings from Iran and Finland”. I ended up posting 78 days, Instastories and on my wall, from 18.3. – 1.6. 2020, representing as many artists from Iran and Finland. During this project I received many messages from Iranian and Finnish artists who appreciated this cultural art exchange. Many asked if I could represent their artworks. I was impressed by the powerful expression of the works of Iranian artists, often women. I experienced how a drawn picture touches across cultural borders. Now, after more than three years, I have the honour of presenting the works of 8 Iranian artists live in the Toolbox Gallery. This exhibition is curated by my friend Farhad Gavzan and I. The process has been challenging for many unfortunate reasons, but also rewarding. I thank I thank everyone involved in organizing the exhibition in Iran, Berlin and Finland, especially Farhad Gavzan, Andreas Wolf and rest of our Toolbox crew.

Image: Sahar Nahavandi Nejad, untitled, pencil on cardboard, 50 x 70 cm

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Opening Times: Wed–Sat, 3–7pm | Öffnungszeiten: Mi–Sa 15–19 Uhr

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Contact | 25.8.–23.9.2023

Niina Räty (painting and drawing), Maija Helasvuo (wood sculptures)

Opening: Fri 25 August 2023, 7pm

Opening hours: Wed-Sat 3pm-7pm

Closed on bank holidays

Maija Helasvuo

My sculptures shown in the exhibition were created in memory of my deceased relatives.
In the old Finnish belief, the bird acts as a messenger between the living and the dead. So the connection to the afterlife is always there.

Maija helasvuo: From Spring to Autumn

Maija Helasvuo: From Spring to Autum, 2021, Photo: Jussi Tiainen

Niina Räty

I have a dog who brings joy and structure to my life. She trusts me, eagerly keeps me company, and makes ordinary days more meaningful. She is considered my property. Animals are traded, they are milked, sheared and slaughtered, they are made to carry and compete. Is it even possible to build a relationship with an animal without seeking benefits?

To milk, 2022, oil, pastel on canvas, Niina Räty

Niina Räty: To Milk, 2022, oil, pastel on canvas

Toolbox Cabinet
In the cabinet, two music archaeologists will introduce themselves.
One from Finland and one from Berlin:
Dr. Arnd Adje Both
Dr. Riitta Rainio
An archaeomusicological installation consisting of a virtual reality video and ceramic sculptures of instrumentalists will be presented.

The virtual reality videos bring to life the soundscape at the rock painting site of Siliävuori, Finland, about 5,000 years ago. The painted rock cliff rising directly from the lake responds to drumming and singing with echoes. Rock painting sites with images of animals, humans, boats and even drummers are believed to have been ritual sites for prehistoric hunter-fisher-gatherers.
The virtual reality reconstruction of Silävuori was made in collaboration between archaeologists, musicologists and cognitive scientists from the University of Helsinki, using terrestrial and aerial laser scans, spherical photography, spatial impulse response recordings, studio recordings and convolution. The work was part of Dr. Riitta Rainio’s project ”Acoustics and auditory culture at hunter-gatherer rock art sites in Northern Europe, Siberia and North America” funded by the Academy of Finland (2018–2023).

Photo_Riitta Rainio





Dr. Arnd Adje Both

The work’s I’m presenting here are related to a theme of mine, the invisibility of sounds and their momentary condition in time and place.


Niina Räty (Malerei und Zeichnung), Maija Helasvuo (Holzskulpturen)


Öffnungszeiten: Mi–Sa 15-19 Uhr

An Feiertagen geschlossen

Maija Helasvuo

Meine in der Ausstellung gezeigten Skulpturen sind im Gedenken an meine verstorbenen Verwandten entstanden.
Im alten finnischen Glauben fungiert der Vogel als Bote zwischen den Lebenden und den Toten. Die Verbindung zum Jenseits besteht also immer.

Niina Räty

Ich habe einen Hund, der Freude und Struktur in mein Leben bringt. Sie vertraut mir, leistet mir eifrig Gesellschaft und macht gewöhnliche Tage sinnvoller. Sie wird als mein Eigentum betrachtet. Tiere werden gehandelt, sie werden gemolken, geschoren und geschlachtet, sie werden zum Tragen und zum Wettbewerb gezwungen. Ist es überhaupt möglich, eine Beziehung zu einem Tier aufzubauen, ohne Vorteile zu suchen?

Toolbox Kabinett

Im Kabinett werden sich zwei Musikarchäologen vorstellen.
Einer aus Finnland und einer aus Berlin:
Dr. Arnd Adje Beide
Dr. Riitta Rainio
Präsentiert wird eine archäomusikologische Installation bestehend aus einem Virtual-Reality-Video und Keramikskulpturen von Instrumentalisten.

Die Virtual-Reality-Videos erwecken die Geräuschkulisse an der Felsmalereistätte von Siliävuori, Finnland, vor etwa 5.000 Jahren zum Leben. Die bemalte Felswand, die sich direkt aus dem See erhebt, antwortet auf Trommeln und Gesang mit Echos. Es wird angenommen, dass die Felsmalereien mit Abbildungen von Tieren, Menschen, Booten und sogar Trommlern Ritualplätze für prähistorische Jäger, Fischer und Sammler waren.
Die Virtual-Reality-Rekonstruktion von Silävuori wurde in Zusammenarbeit von Archäologen, Musikwissenschaftlern und Kognitionswissenschaftlern der Universität Helsinki unter Verwendung von terrestrischen und Luft-Laserscans, sphärischen Fotografien, räumlichen Impulsantworten, Studioaufnahmen und anderen Techniken erstellt. Die Arbeit war Teil von Dr. Riitta Rainios Projekt “Acoustics and auditory culture at hunter-gatherer rock art sites in Northern Europe, Siberia and North America”, das von der Academy of Finland (2018-2023) finanziert wird.

Dr. Arnd Adje Both

Die von mir hier präsentierten Arbeiten beziehen sich auf eins meiner Themen, die Unsichtbarkeit von Klängen und ihr momentanenrZustand in Zeit und Raum.

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Wed– Sat 3–7pm
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Mika KArhu, Toolbox

Mindless obedience is the worst crime 01.–23.07.2023

Drawing installation:

Stumpfsinniger Gehorsam ist das schlimmste Verbrechen

Artists: Sampsa Indrén, Finland, Henrik Jacob, Germany, Mika Karhu, Finland

Opening: 28.06.2023, 7pm

Mi–Sa 15–19 Uhr

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Wed– Sat 3–7pm
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Pilvi Ojala Artwork with skeletton

Before and After

Pilvi Ojala (Finnland)

Painting, collage, installation

Toolbox Kabinett: Jakob Roepke (Berlin)


Opening: April, 28, 7pm

Opening hours: Wed–Sat 3–7pm

Pilvi Ojala

My interest is how things are installed. For example, stage design, illusions, artificial and “authentic” are themes that intrigue my mind. In addition to that I am as well interested in museums. Such as art museums, historical museums and biological, scientific, theatre and movie museums, not to forget the museums that show any kind of curiosities.

As a person I am curious. As an Artist I shift from technique and media to another which might seem to be a disability to concentrate. I paint, I draw, I make animation and I build three-dimensional works. Although for me the basic motive as an artis is to collect all kinds of visual material, to edit it and to compose a visual piece of art. I am like a collector who observes, discovers, and digests the world around me.

For me Art is a medium to combine various interests of mine and therefore a way to create a kind of personal Wunderkammer. It is a way to express myself and an attempt to try to place myself in the World and to try to understand it.

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Wed– Sat 3–7pm
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Painting Kimi Somervuori

A Horse With A Name

Kim Somervuori (Fi)

Malerei / Zeichnung | painting / drawing

Toolbox Kabinett: Ute Lindner (Berlin)

Welcome to our opening on Friday, Februar 24, on 7pm

Opening times: Wed,  Fri. , Sat 15–19 and  Thu 16–20 Uhr
Kolonie weekend:   Fri: 19–22 ,  Sun: 14–18

Find attached the Kolonieflyer with all open spaces on the Kolonie Weekend

Kim Somervuori (b. 1975) represents his own unique style, swimming against the current of contemporary Finnish painting. The themes of his artwork draws widely from art and culture; alongside Modernist history of painting, there is a presence of both classic Western poetry and alternative hits of popular music. His gritty painting style has been honed to perfection. The strokes are skilful, as if they were made effortlessly. The composition falls into place as if by itself. And yet, everything is carefully crafted: The materials and handiwork are present. They are not hidden but they are still discreet. The artwork can be viewed without being aware of the presence of the artist. Consequently, Somervuori doesn’t charge his paintings with angst, doesn’t delve in action painting nor aestheticizes by reduction. The mainly good-humoured artworks rife with cultural references are rich and thoughtfully painted. The titles of the artworks matter, should the viewer want to find context offered by the artist, but this is by no means necessary. The weave of visual elements is sure to offer something for everyone.

Curator and gallerist Veikko Halmetoja has been working with Kim Somervuori for already a decade. Somervuori has held four solo exhibitions at Halmetoja’s gallery, but the collaboration between the curator and the artist has also proved fruitful in other exhibitions and projects. Somervuori’s exhibition at Toolbox is his first solo exhibition in Berlin. It has been organized by the artist in collaboration with Gallery Halmetoja.

Kim Somervuori’s art has been acquired in numerous significant Finnish art collections. The largest series of Somervuori’s artworks can be found in Kiasma, in the collection donated by Seppo Fränti to the Finnish National Gallery. Somervuori has graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki after previous art studies in Stockholm.

Photo artwork

Kimi Somervuori, Crysis, 2023
acrylics, ink on canvas
30 x 25 cm

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Wed, Fri-Sat 15-19, Thu 16-20
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

drawing Ilkka Sariola

Deliver from Evil |

Ilkka Sariola, drawings

Kabinett: Alexander Horn

Opening: Fri, 28.10.2022, 7pm

Exhibition: 28.10.–19.11.2022

Open on 30.10.2022 (Kolonie Wedding weekend): 2–6pm
Download Kolonie Wedding Flyer 10, 2022

Artwork: Ilkka Sariola, Neverland, pencil and graphite on paper, 150×115 cm

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Wed, Fri-Sat 15-19, Thu 16-20
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed


Elina Försti & Wolf Hamm | 01–22.10.2022

Paintings and Drawings

Vernissage: Fri, 30.09.2022, 7pm

Exhibition: 01.–22.10.2022

top: Elina Försti: “Drying Barn From Tarvola”, 2020–2021, 180×280 cm, oil on canvas

down: Wolf Hamm: “In The Same Boat, Till the End”, 2022, 24×18 cm,  ink on paper


Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestrasse 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Mi-Sa/Wed-Sat 15-19
An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed