All posts filed under “Video

Yö Galerie Helsinki

Yö in Berlin 1.-22.6.2024

You are warmly welcome to our opening of Yö in BERLIN on Friday, 31 May 2024, 6–10pm.

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX, Koloniestraße 120,
13359 Berlin-Wedding, U-Bahn Osloerstraße

Yö ry Artists’ Association is an advocacy organization for professional artists from various
fields, primarily operating in Helsinki. YÖ in BERLIN is a group exhibition organized by Yö
ry, featuring works by its member artists. Yö has over 300 member artists and a gallery in
Helsinki on Lönnrotinkatu. The space is free for all exhibiting artists, not just members of the
association. At the core of Yö is its members’ desire to act. Yö ry is not merely an artist-run
gallery but a coalition of proactive and enthusiastic professionals from various fields. Yö is a
movement and community, whose large membership enables even the most ambitious initia-
tives to be realized.

YÖ IN BERLIN is the first exhibition exchange between Yö ry and Galerie Toolbox. The exhi-
bition is curated by Toolbox’s founding members together with Yö ry members Mia Makela
and Henriikka Pöllänen.

Yö’s exhibition at Galerie Toolbox includes video art, visual art, and a portfolio showcase,
where you can browse the works of Yö’s member artists on a screen. The video works and
portfolios were selected through an open call.

All the videos have been produced during 2020´s. The video works have been curated into 3
different screening programs. Remnants of the Wild presents videos exploring our partner-
ships to non-human world from Earth Forces, Mia Makela and Lau Rämö. Tapestry of Time
contains video works unraveling the echoes of past in the present time from Johanna Väisä-
nen, Hanna Råst, Joonas Jokiranta and Airbakers (Toivola & Wager).
Close Encounters presents a collection of videos focused on exploring intimacy through per-
formance art from Juhani Koivumäki, Kainulainen&Latva, Mari Hokkanen, Eoin O`Dowd,
To Kosie, Henttu&Nummi&Kin and Ginko Hsu.

The paintings and sculptures in the exhibition bring forth the diversity of materials. Isabel
Pathirane’s paintings are bound together by the strong use of color and expressiveness. Tuo-
mas Holst blurs the lines between painting and sculpture with works that are made from re-
cycled materials. Krista Blomqvist’s series “Creatures of the Night” consists of paintings on
copper, which evolve over time as the copper itself changes. The glass sculptures of Henriik-
ka Pöllänen and Kimmo Reinikka bring out different dimensions of glass as material.

Curatorial team consisted of Toolbox founding members Maija Helasvuo and Niina Räty in
collaboration with Yö Association board members Mia Mäkelä and Henriikka Pöllänen.

Opening program includes a performance from Tapani Pirog and an opening talk by Yö cura-
torial team. Some of the artists will be present. Artist meetings on Saturday 1. 6 from 16 until
20 at the gallery.

Tapani Pirog is a Helsinki-based ultramodernist and post-expressionist.

More information on the schedule will be available later on Yö’s and Toolbox’s websites.

Artwork: Johanna Väisänen

Galerie/Projektraum TOOLBOX
Koloniestraße 120
13359 Berlin-Wedding
U-Bahn Osloerstraße

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed


RISISTENTES – A look at the clown from Latin American feminisms. | 06.05.2022

Documentary film with interviews of 17 clowns who tell their stories in relation to laughter and humor.

06. 05. 2022, 7pm

On donation

Open memories, expressive channels, bodies in motion, in search of pleasure and the expression of a laugh with presence, wide, hard and completely healing and spiritual. A laugh that reconnects us and returns us to care and sisterhood among all. Remembering our origin, from a circular exploration of what the journey towards wild comedy is.

Voices of diverse, different and plural personalities. Seventeen women from different parts of Latin America tell us how laughter is crossed in their contexts and how they make it a tool of resistance to heteropatriarchy.

Mika KArhu Video-Screenshot

And Words at Night |

Exhibition with works by
Mika Karhu (video)

Toolbox Kabinett: Jan Bejšovec (textile art)

Vernissage: 29 October 2021, 7pm

Opening Times: Mi–Sa 15-19 h

An Feiertagen ist die Toolbox geschlossen
On Bank holidays Toolbox is closed

Mika Karhu

“Thoughtlessness – carefree indifference, hopeless confusion or complacent repetition of ‘truths’ turned flat and empty – seems to be the most striking character of our time […] I suggest something very simple, not more than that we think about what we do.”
Hannah Arendt

Jan Bejšovec

Jan Bejšovec


Dr. Goebbels
40 x 30 cm
appliqués and hand-embroidery on stretcher frame

The German-Jewish photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt succeeded in revealing a portrait of the notorious National Socialist in Geneva in 1933 during a visit by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels to the League of Nations in Geneva. Goebbels fixed the photographer full of hatred and thereby lost his bourgeois mask for a moment.

Through the strong abstraction of the original photo and the reduction to his face, Goebbels hateful gaze is further accentuated in the textile image. The reduction to a few sharp-edged shapes and the contrast of black and white sharpen the image‘s message. Hand-embroidered surfaces create an additional profile depth on the superimposed textile applications.